“Isn’t there an easier way to get the nutrients my mind and body need to enhance brain performance?” That was the question that started it all. As a medical student, resident, and professional I experienced the effects of a busy and stressful lifestyle. Every day around mid-day I found myself completely drained, had little to no stamina and lacked focus. I was tired of relying on coffee, soda and unhealthy energy drinks…I knew there was a better way and something had to change.”

-Doctor Tovar, Founder


After a great deal of research, I began experimenting with various vitamins and supplements to optimize my brainpower.  I combined a blend of evidence-based ingredients that continue to provide my mind with the building blocks of those neurotransmitters that promote memory, cognition, focus and also naturally provide energy. As a husband, father to four children, entrepreneur and physician I need to be on my A-game now more than ever.

With my wife and the help of beverage and pharmaceutical experts, we brought my medical school dream to fruition by turning ACUMIND into a drink that works and tastes great. We had students, nurses and doctors try ACUMIND to gather feedback & results. After receiving an overwhelmingly positive response we decided it was time to bring ACUMIND to you! Enhace your day and your life with ACUMIND